benefits : flat-rate pricing

training doesn't have to be expensive

Whether you need to train five employee or fifty, you still pay the same low rate for training.  Unlike many competitors, you don't pay per person.

Applied Office charges a flat, hourly fee for training.  If you want to pack fifty employees into a lecture hall and have Microsoft Outlook demonstrated to them all at once, that's perfectly fine. 

one-on-one training

Applied Office's low hourly rate also applies to one-on-one training.  If you have an employee who needs to be brought up-to-speed on a particular application, or an advanced employee who needs consulting assistance for a particular project, just ask.

what's not included

Materials, if you request them, are billed at cost based on the number of copies you request.  Or, just request a digital copy and make your own!

Depending on your location, there may be a charge for travel and/or lodging. 

Applied Office is always happy to provide a quote for its services.  Proposals describe exactly what you'll be getting and include class descriptions and disclose all costs associated with the service.