benefits : onsite training

Onsite Software Traininglet the training come to you

Applied Office can provide training at your location.  There are plenty of benefits when compared to going to an outside training facility:

And because of Applied Office's flat-rate pricing, it's usually more cost-effective!  Learn more

three ways to train

Onsite training from Applied Office can be delivered in three formats:


With workstations in front of each participant, everyone can learn and practice the skills right away.  The instructor can help each employee make the most of the hands-on learning environment.  This lab-style method is certainly the most effective way to learn.


Your instructor, using a laptop and projector, will demonstrate skills and techniques for the classroom in an "interactive lecture" format. 


Applied Office is thrilled to train even just a single employee.  By showing up right at their desk, one-on-one training will help that employee get exactly what they need in a short amount of time and bring them up to speed.

remote learning

If your organization has remote workers, training can be delivered over Teams, Webex, Blue Jeans, or any other online meeting tool.

no facility?  no computers?  no problem

Not every organization has a lab full of computers or a fleet of laptops for training.  That's fine too.  Applied Office has relationships with a number of businesses that will rent their lab or laptops at a modest price.  Just ask... and all of the logistics will be taken care of for you.